Kansas City Branch Members Recruit Their Alma Maters To Join AAUW

In 2011, Jane Biers and Debbie McWard, who are leading a statewide effort to recruit Missouri colleges and universities to join AAUW as College/University Partners, approached Betty Shouse and Jane Crigler to see if they would contact their alma maters and ask them to join. They did and William Jewell College, where Betty got her bachelor’s degree, and Central Methodist University, where Jane attended, agreed to join. This brings the number of colleges and universities in Missouri who are AAUW Partners to 18!

Perhaps there are other KC Branch members who would contact their alma mater to see if they would like to become a partner? There are many benefits. All undergraduate students at partner institutions are eligible for free e-student affiliate membership. As such, they can receive electronic copies of AAUW’s publications and research. They also have access to all AAUW’s student affiliate benefits including a vast array of leadership and professional development resources, and can apply for AAUW fellowships, grants, and awards. There are advantages for the institution as well. Among these, they can tap into AAUW’s powerful advocacy for education, and they receive recognition in AAUW’s online directory of partner members. Faculty, staff and students are also eligible for member discounts on many things from subscriptions to insurance.

For more information on AAUW-KC partnering with your alma mater, please call Jane Crigler at 816-523-7781.